Category Archives: san diego

Live Photos: Sleigh Bells at Observatory North Park, November 11, 2016

Sleigh Bells
Photos by Chris Maroulakos

Lights strobed in fit-inducing flutters. Full-stack amps loomed like monoliths on the stage. Dentist-drill guitar riffs punctured the teeth-rattling low end. Singer Alexis Krauss acted as her own hype man, alternating between delicate falsettos and forceful exclamations. It was wild, it was head-splitting. It was infectious, it was an assault on the senses. It was a Sleigh Bells show, and it was a damn good time. Continue reading…

Soft Lions - Digital Girls

Video Premiere: Soft Lions – “Digital Girls”

Soft Lions - Digital Girls

Who hasn’t been to a concert where people are more interested in their phones than they are in the musicians? That all-too-common occurrence can be annoying for the band and distracting to the people actually trying to watch the show. But it also makes for a fun music video. Continue reading…