The Owl and Bear Podcast: November 2016

Leonard Cohen
Leonard Cohen

Here we are: a week and change out from the election, blinking through the nuclear fallout of America’s ugliest impulses. Some of us were shocked. Some of us were outraged. Some of us were smug. None of it really helps, but we perform these reactions anyway. What else is there to do? Continue reading…

Live Photos: Sleigh Bells at Observatory North Park, November 11, 2016

Sleigh Bells
Photos by Chris Maroulakos

Lights strobed in fit-inducing flutters. Full-stack amps loomed like monoliths on the stage. Dentist-drill guitar riffs punctured the teeth-rattling low end. Singer Alexis Krauss acted as her own hype man, alternating between delicate falsettos and forceful exclamations. It was wild, it was head-splitting. It was infectious, it was an assault on the senses. It was a Sleigh Bells show, and it was a damn good time. Continue reading…

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