Three acts put on great sets at the Casbah on July 22.
Aaron Lee Tasjan kicked off the evening, and started his set by saying, “Hello San Diego…I’m going to play some songs on my guitar for you.” With a voice reminiscent of Jack White, and a bluesy style similar to the Coug, Tasjan played several songs, including the amusingly titled “Junkfood and Drugs” (which isn’t currently on any of his albums).
Everest played next, and just before the music started, all of its members got into a tight huddle and had a moment of camaraderie. The energetic band made the most of the small Casbah stage, with singer/guitarist Russell Pollard occasionally jumping and jogging in place, and occasionally stepping up on the monitors. Set highlights included “Ownerless,” the titular track from the band’s new album, as well as “Raking Me Over the Coals” “House of 9’s,” “Rebels in the Roses,” (“about Louisville, Kentucky”) and “Rapture.”
Touring to support its new album, Songs of Patience, headliner Alberta Cross played thirteen songs, starting with “Crate of Gold.” Before the band started, lead singer Petter Ericson Stakee said, “This is a bit of a late show, but I promise we’ll make it up to you.” His little gyrating dance — reminiscent of Axl Rose’s “snake dance” and exhibited throughout the set — was worth every penny. Other crowd favorites included “The Thief and The Heartbreaker” “Old Man Chicago” and “The Devil’s All You Ever Had.”
Photos – Alberta Cross and Everest at the Casbah, July 22, 2012
Great photos and write-up again Sylvia! Superb pics!