Live Photos: Flaggs and La Luz at the Soda Bar, January 25, 2014

Flaggs by Chris Maroulakos
Flaggs by Chris Maroulakos

San Diego’s Flaggs bid farewell to Leslie Schultze on Friday night. The bassist, who also previously played in The New Kinetics, is leaving San Diego to pursue a career opportunity. Schultze’s impending departure made for a bittersweet set, with singer/guitarist Lindsay Matheson leading the crowd in a celebratory raising of glasses. The band performed tracks like “Take a Ride” and “Got You Down” with lots of energy and emotion, ending the era in style.

La Luz followed Flaggs, bringing their brand of Seattle surf-rock to the Soda Bar. The charming all-woman group put on a good show, and the audience danced up a storm. One mongrel fan even twirled around on a pole near the stage.

Flaggs at Soda Bar

La Luz at Soda Bar

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