Poetic Memory: Fatigo (List)

Pretty much nothing good ever comes out of Arizona, but Fatigo are the exception to that rule. The Phoenix band boasts as many as a dozen members, all coming together to craft a bizarre brand of Latin-inspired rock. You can get a sampling of their lighthearted stylings on their Myspace page.

If you like what you hear, go see Fatigo at Soda Bar on January 29, where they’ll be playing alongside two local acts — the similarly extraño Red Pony Clock and the power-popping Grand Tarantula.

In anticipation of the show, Fatigo singer/guitarist shared his Poetic Memory with us. Check it out below.

1) Not Sucking: I look at fatigomusic like Grammy looks at her pies. I WILL NOT allow my pies..er music to suck. I make the best music I can make, or at least attempt to. I’m not saying who I think DOES suck…but i also am not even going to pretend Fatigo sucks because I watched The Secret and the universe could make that a reality just to eff with me.

2) Stevie Wonder: See this guy knows what he’s doing!

3) My Pops, Pedro Montoya: He’s a Turbo-Mariachi. Check the vid…he’s the guy with the Cliff Huxtable sweater on:

4) FUN! Being in a band and especially being in a van with them can get really annoying. This is why our band has made a blood oath that we call THE FUNPACT. We have an agreement with ourselves and each other to put fun ahead of everything…..well, maybe not in front of performance quality…tho’ this has been the case on a couple occasions.

5) Animals: Dogs, cats, polar bears, whites, scorpions….we love animals.

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