Erika Davies Needs Your Money

MP3: Miss Erika Davies – “Part the Sea”

Miss Erika Davies, proud owner of one of the best voices in Southern California, needs your help. The recent SDMA winner for Best Jazz has launched a Kickstarter campaign to raise money for her new EP, Lovely Ways. The follow-up to the gorgeous Galaxy Lakes is set to include six tracks, including “Part the Sea,” which you can listen to above.

The good news is that Davies has already covered the costs of recording and studio tracking, and now she just needs $3000 for mixing, mastering, and graphic design. The bad news is that, as of now, Davies has only raised $900 of that goal.

That’s where you step in, dear reader. Throw some money Davies’ way, and you could receive an “eco wallet matte printed EP,” a signed mini-poster, and — in typically quirky fashion — Davies’ “deepest heartfelt good vibes traveling through the air to you for making [the] album possible.” Now that’s truly priceless.

So help Davies reach her goal before it’s too late. If she doesn’t, there will be no Lovely Ways and you won’t get to feast your ears on any more of those pretty new songs. As a bonus, we at Owl and Bear hereby pledge to match all of Davies’ good vibes with an equal amount of our own. How could you pass that up?

Click here to help fund Lovely Ways.

UPDATE: We’re happy to report that, thanks in part to you, dear readers, Davies has successfully met her Kickstarter goal.

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