Tag Archives: Craig Ferguson

Jason Segel with The Broken West – ‘Dracula’s Lament’ (Video)

The Late Late Show‘s Craig Ferguson celebrated his 1000th episode on Tuesday night, and he did it in style. Save for the occasional scantily-clad backup dancer, the show consisted entirely of puppets. As if that weren’t cool enough, Ferguson also enlisted the aid of the always-game Jason Segel, who performed his “Dracula’s Lament” ballad from Forgetting Sarah Marshall.

In keeping with the puppet-only theme, Segel’s backing band was hidden, but if they hadn’t been you would’ve seen that they were Merge Records band The Broken West. The group fleshed out the song admirably, tweaking it with lush instrumentation and a rock and roll backbeat absent from the Marshall version. We’re not exactly sure how a band gets a gig playing backup for Jason Segel and a puppet vampire, but we do know we want their agent. Check out the festivities yourself—the song starts around the one-minute mark—in the clip above.

NPR Streaming Horrible New Avett Brothers Album

The Avett Brothers

The new Avett Brothers album is terrible. It’s without a doubt the worst album we’ve ever heard, and you should avoid it at all costs. If Kelly Clarkson and Carrot Top were to put out an album of traditional yodeling duets, it would probably sound way better than this abomination. Listening to the Avett album’s so-called “music” will leave you with bloody ears, hairy palms, and a brutal case of IBS.

Oh who are we kidding? The new album is incredible, combining all the upbeat catchiness of Emotionalism with the breathtaking sincerity of the Gleam EPs. It’s just that every time we write about the Avetts, we gush about them, and we don’t want to bore you with our repetition. But I can’t help it—just as the Avett Brothers can’t seem to help putting out great records. Continue reading