Live Review and Photos: Transfer, Dead Feather Moon, and Grand Tarantula at the Belly Up, April 26, 2013

Photos by Sylvia Borgo
Photos by Sylvia Borgo

San Diego locals Transfer hit the Belly Up after a long tour of Europe.

Transfer kicked off their set with set staples “Waltz” and “You are the Wolf,” and singer Matthew Molarius greeted the crowd by saying, “We’ve been on tour playing thirty minutes a night, so we are stretching out a bit tonight, playing some old songs.”

The band had great energy onstage; on several occasions, guitarist Jason Cardenas even came right up to its edge and lunged at the crowd, holding his instrument like a weapon to hammer out the notes. Throughout the set, loyal fans sang along to all their songs, and members of other San Diego bands were in the audience (The Silent Comedy, The Heavy Guilt, The Midnight Pine).

Dead Feather Moon‘s set bounced back and forth between mellow and heavy rockers. The band attracts a very loyal and interactive crowd, with attendees shouting things like “That was awesome!” and “Greg, do a high kick!” I’ve always wondered if the band likes this or if they just wish their fans would stop hollering.

Grand Tarantula opened the show around with six or seven short, punk-ish songs reminiscent of Green Day or Blink 182. “I’m Not Gonna Let You Go” was a crowd favorite; when singer/guitarist Jordan Clark introduced it, one audience member said, “Uh, oh. That sounds like trouble.”

Photos – Transfer, Dead Feather Moon, and Grand Tarantula

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