Tag Archives: Dave Foley

Michael Ian Black: Changing the World, One Taco at a Time

At around midnight yesterday, in the blackness of night, a very famous person did something that may not change the world. But, this thing will help the celebrity accomplish two things: express his love for Taco Bell and pay his mortgage.

To accomplish this, Michael Ian Black, the very famous person in question, has, to date, released two videos on Youtube, the first one appearing around 15 hours ago. In it, a bleary-eyed Black asks President Obama — who, with his NCAA brackets filled and Libya sufficiently bombed, seems to have nothing on his plate — to hire him, Michael Ian Black, as his cabinet’s Taco Bell spokesman. According to the video, this campaign has the support of Levar Burton, Rainn Wilson, and Dave Foley, whom Black outs as a Canadian. Continue reading…