Tag Archives: Aerosmith

Poetic Memory: Generationals (List)

Generationals‘ 2009 album Con Law made our Best of 2009 list. For me, it’s the perfect example of everything I look for in a good pop-rock album: upbeat, catchy, light-hearted, and above all, fun. What made it exceed my expectations, however, were the varying styles from song to song. One minute I’m hearing Motown or Gary Numan, and the next I’m listening to…arena rock? Generationals’ unabashed experimentation with different sounds has helped to set them apart from the rest of the indie pack.

In addition to releasing great albums, they’ve been gallivanting around the U.S. spreading the rock-and-roll cheer nonstop. So, needless to say, I’m extra pleased that Grant Widmer took some time out of his busy schedule to send us a list of his influences. His Poetic Memory is below. Continue reading…

Poetic Memory: Matthew Specktor (List)

Matthew Specktor

The 19-year-old narrator of Matthew Specktor’s novel That Summertime Sound has two options: return home to L.A. and a family that hardly notices him; or travel to the Heart of the Heart of the Country—Columbus, Ohio—and come of age.

The novel is set against the Columbus music scene of the 1980s, and Specktor is looking to connect with his favorite band. That Summertime Sound reads like an ’80s music encyclopedia, with references to The Feelies, Hüsker Du, Pere Ubu, and others.

To accompany the novel’s release, Specktor’s website features readings by Morgan Freeman (MP3), Jeremy Irons, Gwyneth Paltrow, and other Hollywood icons. Matthew Specktor’s Poetic Memory is below.

Poetic Memory is a regular Owl and Bear feature in which musicians disclose their influences—whether it’s albums, songs, artists, or something random. If you’re interested in being featured here, send us an email. Continue reading