Tag Archives: Beirut

The Owl and Bear Podcast: February 2016

PJ Harvey
PJ Harvey

Valentine’s Day is upon us, citizens. Couples across the nation perform the kabuki theater of obligatory romantic gestures, and non-couples will hunch over their OkCupid profiles in despair. But you? You will transcend. You will survive. You have the Owl and Bear podcast. Continue reading…

Live Review: Dr. Dre and Snoop Dogg, Florence and the Machine, Beirut, Justice at Coachella, April 22, 2012

Photo by Natalie Kardos

As the last rays of sunlight faded from the valley at Coachella on Sunday, electronic duo Justice appeared on the main stage, backed by their signature light-up cross. Continue reading…

Owl and Bear’s Best Albums of 2011

2011 was a mixed bag. Established acts like Radiohead and The Strokes dropped duds on trusting fans, while middle-of-the-road acts like The Drums and Hunx and His Punx raised the bar with surprising sophomore efforts. Floundering bands like Iron & Wine and The Dodos made welcome returns to glory, while others merely treaded water (see She and Him’s Christmas album or MGMT’s “mix tape.”) Continue reading…