Tag Archives: Grizzly Bear

The Owl and Bear Podcast vol. 171

Poetic Memory: KNESSET (List)
Phoenix and Los Angeles-based art rockers KNESSET aren’t coming to San Diego anytime soon, but that certainly doesn’t preclude them from sending us a detailed and most excellent list of great music videos.
KNESSET are kindred spirits with bands like American Analog Set, Camera Obscura, Owen, and Joan of Arc, with whom they share a label in Japan. Songs like “Bitter Hearts” (video above) from KNESSET’s debut LP, Coming of Age, feel just right in a musical rotation that includes the aforementioned company.
The band released Coming of Age in February, and you can buy it now for as little as five bucks on their Bandcamp page. Do check it out — and while you listen, peruse their Poetic Memory (below). It’ll be worth your while. Continue reading…
A Mighty Wind Blows In
The Wind don’t do anything half-assed. Whereas most bands scramble to amass enough top-shelf material to fill an album, the members of the San Diego/Long Beach four-piece decided to set themselves apart by releasing the double-disc, 23-song Harum-Scarum as their debut, and there isn’t a moment of filler on it. Continue reading…
Mini Mansions Get Big
MP3: Mini Mansions Daytrotter Session
LA’s Mini Mansions, the side project of Queens of the Stone Age bassist Michael Shuman, will play the Tin Can Alehouse on Monday, November 29th.
The trio released its self-titled debut earlier this month on QOTSA front man Joshua Homme’s Rekords Rekords label, and it’s truly a stunning piece of work. The record fuses elements of Grizzly Bear’s psych-pop with Mike Patton’s sinister, cinematic tones, resulting in one of the year’s strongest and strangest releases. Continue reading…